Beeches Green Microsuction Clinic


Thank you for considering Beeches Green Microsuction Clinic for your ear wax removal needs.

Beeches Green Surgery is now offering a Private Microsuction Ear Wax removal service.

Unfortunately, due to contractual arrangements with the NHS we are unable to offer this service to NHS patients currently registered at Beeches Green Surgery. If you are registered with Beeches Green Surgery and would like Ear Wax removal please contact reception in the usual way and we will be more than happy to go through the options with you.

What is Microsuction?

Microsuction is the ‘gold standard’ technique for removing wax from the ear canal. The Practitioner uses a small vacuum tube to remove the Wax from the ear canal with the help of a powerful microscope. The process is safer and less uncomfortable than syringing.

Unlike Syringing, Microsuction is carried out under direct vision and with no need to force pressurised water into the ear – this means the practitioner can see your ear canal at all times and avoids potential damage to the ear drum. Just like with traditional syringing, the wax needs to be soft enough to be removed – therefore the use of a softening agent prior to the procedure is important.

What is earwax and why is it a problem?

Earwax is a natural and healthy phenomenon and small amounts are actually beneficial to our ear health. Ears naturally clear earwax however sometimes this process does not work properly and excessive earwax can build up.

How can I arrange Microsuction and how much does it cost?

Please contact Beeches Green Surgery on 01453 763980 and request a private microsuction appointment. Alternatively, please fill out the enquiry form below. We will send over a questionnaire to fill out prior to your appointment and give you an option of dates to book into.

The cost of treatment to both ears is £75 which is payable to reception after your appointment. (If microsuction is not required then an examination fee of £25 will be charged instead).

Before your Appointment

We recommend you use olive oil ear spray or drops such as ‘Earol’ a couple of times a day for at least a few days before the procedure. This will soften the wax and make the procedure more comfortable.

Are there any risks from the procedure?

Microsuction is a safe procedure. Unlike Syringing, Microsuction is carried out under direct vision and with no need to force pressurised water into the ear – this means the practitioner can see your ear canal at all times and avoids potential damage to the ear drum.

Most patients notice no significant adverse side effects following Ear microsuction however the most commonly reported are: Dizziness, noise damage, ear trauma, and a low risk of infection.

Any dizziness following microsuction should pass within a few minutes of the procedure being finished, while noise damage should also be a temporary side effect of microsuction – the procedure will sound very loud to some people, potentially causing temporary hearing loss.

Minor ear trauma is another of the rare microsuction ear wax removal side effects, usually occurring when recipients move suddenly. Infection is again extremely rare, but it is a risk that comes with any procedure you undergo. The tools used during microsuction are single-use and sterile, so the risk of infection is extremely remote.

What if the wax cannot be removed from my ears?

Using ear drops prior to the procedure is essential to safely and painlessly remove wax. If you have hard impacted wax which has not been softened adequately it may not be possible to remove all of the wax in one appointment. In these cases we will remove as much as is possible via microsuction and may also use additional instruments to attempt to remove your wax – We will discuss this with you at the time of the procedure.

If we are not able to remove all of the wax in one appointment we will offer you a further appointment to complete the procedure. If the wax has been adequately softened there is no additional charge for this.